Monday, March 30, 2009

And They were Sent Off

Yesterday was our last Sunday Service in Madera. Pastor John (to our surprise) made it a "Commissioning Service" He used several passages from the Bible to support the purpose
of our existence here in Los Banos. Although we know that it is specifically the Lord who "commissioned" us here what a joy it is to have wonderful Brothers & Sisters join us in the work that God is doing in regards to Ministry here in the San Joaquin Valley. It will be hard to
say "farewell" to my Brother Tony Ministry wise but as God has always provided for him and I, we both know there is still plenty we will get to do together. (if I can just get Mike & Rene here) Ha ha.
Here is a shot of the crew that Linda and I will be Ministering to & with along with a few more who couldn't make the trip to Madera. I have never seen a more Motley Crew than these but boy do they love the Lord and are the benefit of all your prayers so please KEEP THEM UP!
In His Grip


  1. So I guess you are never coming back to the desert now! Ha! Ha! Hey, you TRULY doing God's work. I hope someday we can be a permanent part of it.

  2. Yay Congrats...its 'official'. Praying for ya. Love ya. See ya soon!
