Saturday, March 21, 2009

"Chasing Babies"

I thought this would be a great title for this topic "Chasing Babies." It grew out of our prayer time yesterday when Linda thanked the Lord for allowing us to take care of my Grand Daughters Nevaeh & Charlotte for 2+ days. You see its the first time that they have stayed with their "Bapa & Ada" without Mom & Dad. We had soooooo much fun Nevaeh got to plant her own Strawberry plant in a pot next to Ada's garden here is some photos of the process:
First you get a pot and put rocks in it for the drainage "but how come Ada?"

It looks like this "But how come Ada?"

Then you put the dirt in like this

Then you put water in and let Charlotte get her hands wet

Then you gently place the plant in its new home

Then you pack it down around it so it feel safe and secure in its new home

Then you even out the dirt around it all with a smile cause the plant likes it

Then you pose with your new Strawberry Plant cause that's what you do in Los Banos

This was a special treat that Linda had planned with Nevaeh and we will care for her plant, send her pictures of it as it grows and Bapa will eat the strawberries that it grows and call Nevaeh and tell her how good they are



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