Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Just Cant Leave Her by Herself

Last Saturday I attended a Men's Conference in Visalia with 6 other guys from our Fellowship. It was a great time. After I came home what did I find in our back yard? You guessed it, the beginnings of a garden. For the last couple of months I noticed Linda discarding different types of left overs, coffee grinds, grass clippings, you name it she threw it out in a pile near the fence. At first I thought it was some kind of "Okie Ritual" but you know me I went along with it. But low and behold what came out of all that was the most richest, dark soil you have ever seen. She mixed in some manure and then planted what will be our very own vegetables. As if that wasn't enough she now is looking for some chickens so we can have our own fresh eggs. I don't know what to think of all this other than she is getting back at me for not letting her have a cat ha ha! Linda enjoys calling her Dad and asking for help as he is quite the grower himself. Here is another photo of her work.

As of today I noticed that there are 2 more rows planted all while I was inside studying. Yes I did feel guilty and decided to go out and mow the yard. We are looking forward to the warmer days to see what comes up. We are going to plant some cantaloupe and watermelons for the summer just in case any of you come by (hint hint).
Well that is my post for now and I will keep you updated on the green Gardner!
In His Grip


  1. This is awesome!...Nevaeh will be thrilled. Will anything be sprouting in 2 1/2 weeks? ...not too sure about the chickens though... how 'bout a duck! Duck eggs anyone?

  2. ha ha probably no chickens as of yet but we should see some growth by the time you are here Lord willing.
